Learning Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning helps kids to think creatively, reason and have a solution-oriented mindset which is important at any age.

Today’s world is run by data. Big Data is strongly prevalent and is only going to grow and AI and ML rely heavily on it.

The future has more focus on automation, AI and ML and rightfully so, children are already prepared by the time they start to find jobs.

About This Course!

This course is ideal for kids age 12 or above who have some basic Programming knowledge in python. This course is offered in offline and online mode and Kids registered in this course will only require a laptop and a good internet connection to start learning. This course is divided into 3 main modules for easier understanding for students.

What you’ll learn!

Module 1



Students are taken through the introduction parts of Artificial Intelligence. They learn about the basic concepts and some libraries.
E.g. PIL, Numpy



Students will learn about some most popular concepts in AI such as the Computer Vision and Natural Language processing.
E.g. face similarity application, SMS spam detection



The students will learn some more advanced concepts of ML and AI such as building chatbots and Recommender systems .
E.g. Movie Recommender System, chatbots


Certification Project

In the end students will be assessed based on a certification project they build from scratch on their own
E.g. Face editing application, image cartoonifying, spam detection application etc.

Module 2



Students will learn core ML concepts: data pre-processing, supervised/unsupervised learning, and practice with classification and regression algorithms.

E.g. Digit Recognizer, Titanic problem, House Price Prediction etc.



Students will learn more about the unsupervised Machine Learning like Clustering Applications, basic Deep Learning Applications and another AI concept Heuristic Searches.
E.g. Tripadvisor, Traveling salesman problem and Cifar10 object recognition.



The students will learn some more advanced concepts of ML and AI such as Reinforcement Learning, AI gaming, Speech to text ect.
E.g.Speech to text application, Tic-Tac-Toe Computer Player.


Certification Project

In the end students will be assessed based on a certification project they build from scratch on their own.
E.g. Image pixelation, voice based chat-bot.

Module 3



Students are taken through the introduction parts of Deep learning and data argumentation.
E.g. Image argumentation, handwritten equation solver using CNN.



Students will learn about some most popular concepts and network structures under deep learning.
E.g. face mask detection, Canny edge detection, image stitching.



The students will go through some advanced applications under computer vision.
E.g. object detection,music genre classification.


Certification Project

In the end students will be assessed based on a certification project they build from scratch on their own
E.g. ALEXA like Jarvis, sign language recognition system etc. Images

Module 4



Students are introduced to the concepts of NLP (Natural Language Processing) in AI and ML to enhance their understanding of language processing and analysis.

E.g. Fake News detection, Credit card Fraud detection.



Students engage in real-world prediction projects to gain practical experience and understanding in the fields of AI and ML.

E.g.  Gold price prediction, Parkinson disease prediction.



Students explore real-world data mining and NLP projects to gain hands-on experience in AI and ML concepts.

E.g. Spam Mail detection, Sales Prediction


Certification Project

Students will apply their learning of AI/ML to create practical projects that solve real-world problems, enhancing their understanding and skills.

E.g. Traffic monitoring with CV, Air Canvas

Student Projects

Student Project

Inventothon-22 - Submission - Shaili Dutta
Inventothon-22 - Submission - Ananya Srivastava

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