Why Coding is Important for Kids

Why Coding is Important for Kids

Coding today is equated to the language of creativity. In simple words, codes are nothing but the intercommunication process, which helps to give instructions for a computer/program, and processes our requests. Ranging from smartphones, TVs, and automated cars, codes...
7 Reasons Why Should Kids Learn to Code

7 Reasons Why Should Kids Learn to Code

Think of a skill that stands out in the modern era. Think of a skill that can give your kids a head-start on their future careers. Sounds super fun, right? The skill is coding. But still the question for some parents persists, why should kids learn to code? In our...
Find out why Coding is fun!

Find out why Coding is fun!

Coding. Cars run on it, computers can’t work without it, and infrastructures today are solely based on it. For every step in your life and every technology you touch upon, coding is the language that rules it. Kids today, are taught coding at their schools, it’s no...